The author in his den
The author in his den

I retired in 2013 after forty-three years at Sir Sandford Fleming College of Applied Arts and Technology, Lindsay Campus (School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences)

In my career, I developed curriculum for and teaching to college students in Communications, Anthropology, and Ancient Empires courses. I also accepted responsibilities as a faculty administrator for Communications, General Education, and the General Arts and Science Program (Environmental and Natural Resource Studies Option) for the Frost Campus in Lindsay.

As technology advanced, I created and maintained three course websites to help my students with current news and information for students including lecture and seminar notes, readings, and web resources for term papers plus copies of all assignments handed out in class.

I also redesigned the curriculum in the General Arts and Science Program (Environmental and Natural Resource Studies Option) to fast track students into a Natural Resources two-year program and moved a popular Field Camp course off campus to the magnificent Haliburton Scout Reserve. These changes increased enrolment in the program by 50%.

I authored two editions of a Nelson Education text on technical writing and one on the writing process with a style guide (see Publications section).

Administratively, I contributed as an active member of  department, school, and college committees. I co-ordinated campus Communications and General Education courses and the General Arts and Science Program. In the early years, I chaired the college’s Academic Council and later represented faculty on the college Board of Governors (5 years) as the elected faculty governor.

Currently I write and edit for Luchuk Communications (, a private company offering business consulting and editing services.

What are my interests, current and past?  I have several: acoustic guitar, driving, roller blading, biking, digital photography (contributor to Canadian Headstones Project (, twelve years in Scouting as a Scouter delivering programs and doing administrative work, MLB (especially Canadians playing major league baseball), amateur radio (retired ham VE3IKD), anthropology and archaeology, ancient history, crime fiction (Ian Rankin is a favourite, and travelling (spent time in all ten Canadian provinces). For other interests, check out my Pinterest page (

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